〜 愛の光の共同作業をしてくれるソウルを募集中です〜
(* ロゴはアイーナ呼吸を作られたライト・グリッド・クリエーターの守城佐恵子さんにデザインして頂きました。ありがとうございました。)
* 思いやりを持つこと
* 瞑想の実践
* 愛の周波数を保つこと
1 自己のヒーリング:
2 地球のヒーリング:
3 他の存在のヒーリング:
4 一なる無限の創造の源と繋がる:
沈黙の中で、ゼロポイント(=13D=0 ± ∞1;全ての存在、全てのポータル、全てのブラックホールやホワイトホール、次元と通じています)を介して一なる無限の創造の源と一つになるイメージをしてできるだけゼロポイントにとどまってください。
🌟 日常生活でいつでもどこでも、このフィーリングを思い出してその周波数にいるようにするのがお勧めです🙂
🌟 軽くて暖かく強い無限の愛の波動に包まれて、そこに繋がってアンカーして、全てと一つになる体験を楽しみながら、瞑想にご参加ください✨✨✨
* 記事の内容に関する質問は、お名前を明記の上こちらへ:akiko18@me.com
🌟Please join the “SEND Love💓” project to support the Grand Shift 🌟
Purpose: To spread the information and light of love for ascension.
the goal:
*Having a feeling of compassion
*Meditation practice
*Maintaining the frequency of love
Effect: A positive influence will spread to everyone and everything around you, and many people will be able to prepare for the big changes that are about to occur.
The result is a smooth ground shift.
What is Ascension?
This is the cosmic event that has been occurring every 25,000 to 75,000 years. This is the evolution of consciousness of the body, mind, and spirit in frequency. It is also called graduation from the 3D world (3rd density) to the 5D world (4th density).
This event will involve the reincarnation of all living things on the planet, as well as major changes in the social system and structure of the planet.
Furthermore, this time it will include a similar big change (grand shift) not only in the earth but also in the entire universe.
The 5th dimensional (4th density) world that we are about to move into will be a social memory complex where all humans will evolve and experience it as one integrated, evolved community of love and compassion.
Preparation for the new Earth (Stella Earth):
Up until now, the situation has been very chaotic, with planets being prepared to receive souls and incarnations (reborn bodies) being prepared after planets were destroyed in space wars.
But this time, with the collective wisdom of the One Source of Creation and the loving cosmic beings (represented by the Galactic Federation) who have the greatest technology, the new Earth has already been created and prepared.
Most souls who have passed away have migrated and are living there in new bodies. Our essence is soul and there is no real death.
Mental preparation for the grand shift:
Those currently living on Earth will also be reborn after the shift, and will be reborn in new body forms that are appropriate for their respective frequencies of consciousness. You will continue to experience the evolution of your soul in a peaceful environment where food, clothing, and shelter are guaranteed. We are now very close to the shift and the momentum is unstoppable.
As we let go our illusion complex, the 3D world, there are many people who are intentionally or unconsciously spreading false information, mainly out of confusion due to attachment and fear. Additionally, fighting and chaos are intensifying across the planet.
In preparation for the shift, the light of frequency adjustment for the positive transformation of past negative memories and the transformation of the body is pouring down from the Sun and the ships of the Galactic Federation surrounding the Earth. However, people with strong fears, attachments, or extremely unstable emotions are unable to calmly open their hearts and receive this frequency adjustment.
For this reason, those who are ready should spread the light of love and support the awakening of the soul’s heart (Ashtar says to promote cooperation and help and spread love with other beings✨) to help all Earthlings. Preparations for the grand shift will be completed smoothly. Please join us in the meditation of the “SEND Love” project.
Meditation steps:
1. Self-healing:
First, we thank all beings of light and the One Infinite Source of Creation. It doesn’t matter if you say it out loud or in your heart.
While breathing with AENA Breathing Method, step into the larger-than-body-sized sphere you have created in your imagination, and make the center of your heart the zero point, as if you were to make a dot in the center of the sphere. Imagine light energy overflowing from the center of your heart, shining brightly. Continue to breathe slowly, feeling the breath and energy circulating in and out of the sphere, only through the center point.
2 Earth Healing:
Imagine the Earth being surrounded and protected by a large golden pink sphere (Aena Sphere) and set the zero point at the central core. At this time, if you have friends who are meditating, you can imagine them surrounding the earth and placing their hands on top of each other. (Right palm facing down, left palm facing up) As you continue to breathe Aina, light will overflow from the Aina sphere, and the light of love inside will explode like a firework and photons will fly around. Picture where you are.
3 Healing of other beings:
A pink sphere surrounds those who wish to receive healing or protection. Send your love and light so that they can smoothly shift away from fear and attachment, and imagine everyone’s hearts overflowing with joy and the light of love exploding.
4 Connect with the One Infinite Source of Creation:
In silence, unite with the One Infinite Source of Creation through the Zero Point (=13D=0 ± ∞1; connected to all beings, all portals, all black and white holes, and dimensions). Try to stay at the zero point as much as possible by imagining yourself becoming one.
Finally, imagine walking in the world of New Earth 5D and feel the feeling.
🌟 If you are able, please join us for about 15 minutes every day from UTC6:00. Even if you don’t set the time, you can still work together on the Light of Love on anytime with intention.
🌟 It is recommended that you remember this feeling and stay in that frequency anytime and anywhere in your daily life 🙂
🌟 You can enjoy the experience of being surrounded by the light, warm, strong vibrations of infinite love, connecting to it, anchoring it, and unite as one .✨✨✨
*If you have any question about the meditation, please contact : akiko18@me.com